Kids Sailing

You’re very welcome to the kid’s section of our Sailing School from Home Initiative. You’ll find two sets of resources we’ve produced to allow your child to keep engaged in sailing and stay learning while we’re all staying at home.

  • Logbook Theory Notes
  • Sailing School from Home Videos

All the resources are being produced by our team of dedicated instructors.

We’ve also selected a few other good sailing resources for learning and entertainment, each in the drop down menus below. New resources will be added every few days, so if you’re not already on our mailing list, drop an email to to be included.

Learning and Entertainment…

We’ve put together the following notes to complement the RYA logbook. We typically use this logbook for children aged 11 years and older, however, the younger age groups will benefit from the earlier levels too.

Stage 1-4…

Advanced Modules…

Coming Soon…

  • RYA Advanced Racing
  • RYA Day Sailing

We’ve got a selection of topics from the kids syllabus in video format. Check out each level for videos, with more being added every few days.

Instructors Fiona and Rebecca Hedderman have prepared a series of tutorials for sailors of all ages to tie the full range of knots you’ll encounter during your sailing career.

Check them out here…

Suitable for younger age groups, our friends at RS Sailing have produced a series of activities for kids to keep entertained.

Recently Muriel Rumball, our child welfare officer, was appointed as an Education Officer for the Marine Institute. They’ve a great set of resources for kids to learn about our oceans and the life within.

Learn More…

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